CICO© TL 22 B, wheel flange lubricant, on request also available in container sizes 5kg, 25kg and 200kg
CICO© TL 22 B, wheel flange lubricant, is a combination of chemically treated solid lubricants and a solvent-free, biodegradable organic carrier. It was specifically developed for use in special wheel flange spraying systems in order to effectively reduce rolling and sliding friction between the wheel flange and rail flanks in the long term and to significantly reduce wear and noise.
CICO© TL 22 B is characterized by good stability with a high solid content. It also withstands extreme environmental conditions. It can be applied down to -40°C. Due to the high adhesion to the metal surface, the active substance cannot be thrown off the wheel flange. Gumming does not occur. CICO® TL 22 B eliminates small existing cracks, prevents further crack formation and metal breakouts on the wheel flange and rail flanks, and reduces rolling resistance and wear.
Even with low dosages, it forms an extremely strongly adhering lubricating film on the metal surfaces, which is stable over a long period of time and guarantees constant lubrication. The braking effect is not impaired by CICO© TL 22 B and the noise level is reduced.
CICO© TL 22 B contributes to vehicle safety and stability, reduces maintenance costs and maintains high efficiency.
- reduces wear of the wheel flange and rail flanks
- no cracks or metal breaks
- high surface adhesion, high compressive strength
- no spinning off
- suitable to be applied down to -40°C
- no gumming
- significantly longer maintenance intervals
- environmentally friendly, no dangerous material
- significantly longer maintenance intervals
- low consumption