CICO Product-overview
Special cleaning agent for the removal ofdusty, greasy and oily dirt on vehicle parts made ofvehicle parts made of plastic, metal and wood.The ingredients of the cleaner are biodegradable.
Up to a value of goods of €35.00 domestic shipping costs of € 4.90, to other EU countries (from 01.01.2023 not to Austria) for € 9.90.Above that the shipping is free of charge.
From Austria please order directly from our partners:
For CICO bike care products:BENTHO eBIKES ONLINESHOP
For CICO gun care-Products you may use our RETAILER SEARCH
For rail transport and cable cars:TAS-group
For our Racing-Sofa:MOTORSPORT-DAILY24.COMDue to the new Austrian Packaging Ordinance, shipping from Germany is currently not possible!
CICO Product Overview 2024 for Download
Here you get an overview of our range of CICO lubricants.
MT Ossner
Extract from safety data sheet CICO High Performance Cleaner2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture: Regulation (EG) No. 1272/2008 (CLP): According to Regulation (EG) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) this product is NOT classified as hazardous.2.2 Label elements: Regulation (EG) No. 1272/2008 (CLP): Hazard statements:
Not relevant Precautionary statements:
Not relevant Additional information:
EUH210: Safety data sheet available on request.
Additional labeling:
Must not be used in paint spraying equipment.2.3 Other hazards: The product does not meet the PBT/vPvB criteria. The product does not meet the criteria for endocrine disrupting properties.
List of ingredients according to the regulation (EG) Nr. 648/2004, Anh. VII, D: